Published on 21 December 2023 at 17:05

In light of my newfound status as a bona fide sensation on this platform, I thought it only fitting to make a guest appearance and offer my two cents regarding some rather unfavorable reviews I've garnered over the past few months. You see, my upbringing wasn't all glitz and glamour, but my parents instilled in me a profound sense of respect and moral compass. So, allow me to clarify a few things right off the bat: I've never pocketed a dime of your hard-earned money without delivering what you've paid for. Frankly, that's the only valid reason to post a review and meddle with someone's business, in my humble opinion.

Now, it appears that for some of you, your affection for the fairer sex is directly proportional to their proficiency in the services they provide. But permit me to remind you that for many of us, this enterprise isn't just a passing fancy; it's our livelihood. It's how we put food on the table, support our children, and keep the lights on for our elderly family members. The significance of this endeavor might not resonate with everyone, but it means the world to some of us. We don't get to enjoy a decent meal or the comfort of a bed without the business you seem so eager to snatch away merely because we didn't respond to your messages within a nanosecond.

Let's be clear, I've never swindled or wronged any of you. I say this without an ounce of disrespect, and I have no intention of storming your place of business to broadcast your less-than-prompt response times, sending your clientele fleeing elsewhere. In case you missed it, I can deter potential patrons just as swiftly without relying on reviews. I'm only here to shed some light on the collateral damage inflicted upon these women, particularly those who've never done you harm. I'm sure there are countless women who've lost their homes, families, and even their children due to the repercussions of this site. Trust me, I have no desire to join their ranks; my sole aim is to enlighten you.

Moreover, allow me to confess my aversion to the incessant attachment to mobile phones plaguing our society. It grieves me that everyone these days seems to have transformed into zombies with smartphones permanently affixed to their faces. What you might not be aware of is that most of the women involved in this line of work didn't choose it willingly, nor was it their lifelong aspiration. It's a perilous vocation, and the danger isn't limited to just the clients; we bear the brunt of it as well. We have more than our fair share of concerns in this line of work, without the added pressure of worrying whether some impatient individual will berate us for not responding to their message within two seconds flat.

Lastly, let me take a moment to evaluate the website as a whole. I find it rather disappointing that I've received neither acceptance nor activation email, as I was promised. In all fairness, if individuals are being rated, they should also have the equitable opportunity to defend themselves against the insidious realm of slander. And when it comes to online slander, it should indeed carry a weightier consequence.

In conclusion, consider this my attempt at enlightenment.

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3 months ago

Bitch you full of shit. You the most two-faced female I ever met. And yet you do swindle people for money. You narcissistic, and you hide behind social media and your website to convince everybody otherwise. But people like myself and other people who have met you in person and dealt with your bullshit know that you're full of shit. And yeah, the shit on USA sex guide is probably all true. Claim that shit as you know you were wrong, grow up, quit acting like a damn teenage girl who only plays stupid little games, and get a damn life.